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Showing posts from April, 2018

devSaurabh's demo of project barcode

This time me and my friend Shamir Salmani were asked to create a project for barcode in health industry and here we are at the end. I know that this is incomplete project but in about 1 or 2 days of the date of this post we would have done this project. We created demo patient (actually I was the demo myself) and then here we go. Watch video just to appreciate. Thanks

Adding images HTML - Using <img/> tag

Images are embedded or included in an HTML document using an  <img src=""/>  tag. To add an image just insert this line of code in your document. HTML < img src = "html5.png" alt = "html5 logo" /> Here as you can see we used the src attribute to give the link(path) of image file. The attribute alt contains text which is shown when image gets problem in loading or somehow browser is unable to find the image. The  alt=""  attribute should contain text value which describes the image. For examlle the following image is the logo of HTML5 hence the alt attribute is set to html5 logo. For example I have set a wrong path to image (html5.png) which is a false location, hence the alt text is being shown down here You can customize the size of image using  width  and  height  attribute. HTML < img src = "html5.png" alt = "html5 logo" width = "300" height = "300" /> This will resize th...

Html forms, all elements and all attributes

In HTML a form can be made using  form  tag. It is a container tag. Inside the form tag there are many input tags like email, text, password, phone, select, textarea etc. Form example HTML < body > < form > ••• </ form > </ body > We use  action  attribute to point to a webpage that will load when the user clicks submit button. HTML < form action = "query.php" > ••• </ form > When use GET the form data will be visible in page address. HTML < form action = "url" method = "get" > </ form > Use POST if the form is updating data or includes like password. HTML < form action = "url" method = "POST" > </ form > Remember: Default value of method attribute is get , hence the form value will be visible in address bar. Input tag The input element creates an input box in the form. There are many types of input boxes. HTML < form ...